Monday, August 23, 2010

Urban Refugees or Suburban Pioneers?

I think it’s easy to take Boulder’s bike-forward mentality for granted. I know I have. That is, until I braved two wheels in New York or San Francisco or countless other (well, ok, most) locales that don’t have such an extensive system of bike paths, lanes and signs. On a national scale, Boulder really is light years ahead of curve in terms of making getting from A to B all on a bike extremely simple, and, dare I say, enjoyable.

Step outside the bubble and it’s immediately apparent that most cities favor the car over people. So much so, that we are beginning to realize how unsustainable this historical model really is. Los Angeles is the favorite example to demonize and, well it’s just too easy. Everyone knows its freeways are debilitatingly congested, public transportation is a joke, and it’s probably the first city that comes to mind when one mentions choking smog. My personal favorite L.A. Story? The juicy conspiracy theory about the auto industry actually having a hand in the development and design of the worlds most car-centric city.

Here's a novel idea: The IRS will give you a tax break for owning a fuel efficient vehicle, why not a break for bike commuters?

More thoughts to come...

Mat’s Boulder Commute from Mat Barlow on Vimeo.

Mat's Commute from Mat Barlow on Vimeo.

Boulder Goes Bike Platinum

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