Thursday, July 7, 2011

Disrupto Manifesto

Like the rest of the global population, my 20-something generation has been faced with enormous, unprecedented challenges. Though unlike other demographics, we are poised to be the next agents of social change. Others, like myself, refuse to play victim to the ecological, economical and political cards we have been dealt and want to rise to the challenge.

Our parents meant well. Really they did. They told us “just work hard and be a good person and everything will be OK.” The missing caveat, of course, was that there is more to the equation. Virtuous as these ideals may be, the world is not a static place and kindness and diligence are only part of what is required for a fulfilling, sustainable life void of mediocrity.

As an old friend used to say: “This is not a dress rehearsal!” We need to be bold and live self directed lives. We need to take more control of the short time we have and not squander it on a less than purposeful existence. We need to connect more deeply with those around us so as to multiply our impact and acknowledge that there is something bigger than ourselves.

In the words of David Dondero: “If you’re lacking in permanence, you better make your moment potent!”

And rise to the challenge we will. After all, we are the generation that elected the first black president.

We are the generation that grew up with the internet.

We have an incredibly informed world view. We have been all over the world like no previous generation has. And if we haven’t personally been to Kathmandu, the web has certainly provided a virtual portal to easily discover a day in the life of the average Nepalese.

We are the generation that has begun the sea change to reverse a century of excess, glut and reckless abandonment at the expense of future generations. We collect experiences, not things.

We are changing the way we connect with our food, get from A to B, and power our homes and lives. In fact, we are even changing the way change itself occurs, from the bottom of the pyramid, not the top.

We are spiritual, but not religious per se (which seems to lead to significantly less persecution and killing, which is nice).

We are the generation that proclaims that all should be equal in the eyes of the law, regardless of who you want to hold hands with.

We are a new breed. We are young, but wise. We are bold, but careful and calculating. Get ready ‘merica. Because we move. We shake. And we will not be satiated by the status quo anymore.